
Arabian Horse Genome, arabians thoroughbreds, genetics of arabians

Genetic Study Challenges Common Beliefs - A study involving Arabian horses from 12 countries has found that some populations maintained more genetic diversity and that the breed did not contribute genetically to the modern-day Thoroughbred, contrary to popular thought.

Keyhole Vasectomy for Standing Horses, breeding stallions, laparoscopic technique standing horse, equine science update

Male horses are usually castrated to moderate unwanted male behaviour and limit unintended reproduction. Vasectomy, interrupting the vas deferens to prevent sperm being released, is an option to prevent breeding while still maintaining male behavioural characteristics. It is performed less frequently in horses than in other species.

equine semen, cooled horse semen, frozen horse semen, fresh horse semen, juan samper, equine breeding, horse breeding

Q - I will be breeding my mare using cooled semen. Is there anything I can do to increase her chances of becoming pregnant on the first try?

preparing stallion, starting stallion, stallion collection, juan samper, jcs vet, stallion sperm collection

Q: I have a new stallion that I hope to offer cooled and frozen semen from. What do I need to do to prepare him for collection? A: Starting a stallion is perhaps the most important aspect of breeding management.

cryptochid stallion dr juan samper breeding stallion

Q: I can only feel one testicle on my yearling stud colt. Is it possible his other testicle could descend later or could he be a cryptorchid? If he is a cryptorchid, will he still be suitable for breeding? A: If the colt was born with two testicles, chances are that the second one will descend.

old maiden mare, juan samper, jcs veterinary, breeding mare, equine semen, stallion semen, equine pregnancy

Old maiden mares are considered special mares with the possibility of reduced fertility. An old maiden mare is a mare that is older than eight or nine and has never had a foal. However, there are other mares that are in the same category; mares that are bred at the age of two, foal when they are three, and then go into a show career and are not bred again until they are 12 or older behave very similarly. Not all are the same, but they are all at a higher risk of being a problem.
