Tack & Gear

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When you ride regularly and for long distances, you’ll inevitably encounter a heavy downpour. With some careful planning, you’ll pull out your rain gear, such as a slicker, and continue your ride with a positive attitude. Once you reach shelter, you can take care of your horse by scraping off the mud and towel-drying him. Then, it’s time for you to change into dry clothes and enjoy a warm drink. However, savvy riders know the importance of also caring for their tack immediately, preventing mud buildup and leather damage before it dries out. Proper tack maintenance can also help avoid mold and mildew, which can cause long-term damage if left unchecked.

ThinLine Canada Trifecta Expressions Half Pad, Saddle Pads Canada, Summerside Tack

Better for the Horse. Better for the Rider. “We recommend ThinLine for horses that are back sore, horses that have saddle issues, and to help reduce the impacts that riding has on horses,” says FEI certified veterinarian Dr. Fernando Cardenas in North Carolina, USA who also breeds warmblood sport horses.

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Knowing how to wrap your horse's leg is an essential skill for the attentive horse owner. Questions such as What thickness of bandage should I use on my horse's leg? How do I know when wrapping my horse's leg is appropriate? What supplies do I need? are all very important. With help from this article, and a little practice, you will have master these skills in no time.

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ThinLine introduces the Flexible Filly Grazing Muzzle with adjustable grazing hole size to customize the muzzle to your horse’s dietary needs. The muzzle is manufactured with food grade resins that provide a durable yet lightweight, flexible alternative to traditional muzzles. Veterinarian recommendations for safe grazing in a muzzle are a 3.5 to 4 cm grazing hole for full-time grazing, and 2 to 2.5 cm for restricted grazing often required for horses with metabolic issues. The industry standard is 3 cm and grazing holes are not adjustable.

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Historical records show that horseback riders first used cloth saddles in approximately 700 – 400 BC. It wasn’t until about 200 BC, that rigid saddle trees were invented. Since then, saddles continued to evolve as riders used their horses for new activities.

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Every horse rider knows that the right riding boots are crucial — whether you’re riding for pleasure or for sport, your boots provide protection and stability, both of which are vital to safe and happy riding. But just as important as choosing the right type of boots is getting the right fit, since ill-fitting boots can be distracting, uncomfortable and even dangerous. So what goes into picking the right fit? How do you ensure you’ve chosen boots that will be helpful and not hurtful? To help answer these questions, let’s take a look at different types of riding boots, how they should feel if they fit correctly, and how to break in new boots!

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Sifting through truth, tradition, and emotion - When we think of training tack, we think of whips, spurs, nosebands, and martingales. It’s a divisive topic in the horse industry. Horse show committees, popular clinicians, coaches, competitive and casual riders all differ in their views. In a sport where truth, tradition, and emotions often collide, I’ve had to sift through the issues to form my own system as a horse trainer, show judge, and riding coach. By trial and error, from training hundreds of horses and watching countless horses and riders, I’ve honed my sense of what works and what tends not to.

Horse Blankets, are Horse Blankets necessary, horse body temperature, buying a horse blanket, horse blanket do's and dont's, do horses need blankets

Whether or not to blanket a horse is an often-debated question and there are many logical and justifiable reasons to go either way. In normal weather conditions, many horses do not need a blanket, especially if they have access to food and shelter and have grown a healthy, thick winter coat. But for horses with special needs such as older or geriatric horses, pregnant mares, horses with compromised health conditions, or horses that have been clipped, blankets are certainly appropriate. Consideration should also be given to the horse’s breed, hair coat quality, feeding routine, and its acclimatization to the existing conditions.

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Head injuries are the most common reason for admission to hospital or death among riders. Sobering statistics reveal the high percentage of equine-related accidents resulting in traumatic brain injury, and helmets have been associated with reducing the risk of traumatic brain injury by as much as 50 percent. Yet many riders still do not wear a helmet.

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In the report “Ten years of major equestrian injury: are we addressing functional outcomes?” published in the February 2009 issue of the Journal of Trauma Management & Outcomes, lead author Jill Ball and a team of health professionals with the University of Calgary, the Foothills Medical Centre and the Calgary Health Region explored the outcomes of severe and serious equestrian injuries.



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Canadian Quarter Horse Association



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