Hoof Care

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One day in the 1980s, Lindsey Serafini’s grandfather was watching his Standardbred horses getting shod.
“The farrier was shoeing with hoof pads and my grandfather said, ‘I could make those,’” says Serafini, who is a fifth-generation owner of Castle Plastics.

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Unhealthy hooves in horses are often not due to genetic weakness, but rather preventable lifestyle factors. While it’s hard to admit, many common horsekeeping practices contribute to sore feet in horses. Key causes of weakened hooves in modern horses include limited movement, inappropriate ground surfaces, improper diet and supplements, and early development practices such as weaning.

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The shorter, cooler days of autumn herald the approach of the cold winter months. Starting with the spring season, we all race around to participate in shows, rodeos, or backcountry camping trips. When those exciting events wind down, we can focus on all the tasks we’ve put off — those “before winter rolls around” jobs.

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Thrush is a common hoof condition caused by a fungal infection that eats away at the tissues of the frog. It is found in the grooves alongside the frog and the cleft in the centre of the frog. If left untreated, thrush will advance deeper into the sensitive areas of the hoof and cause lameness.

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Over the past 30 years, I’ve worked as a horse trainer, a cowboy, and a farrier. Today, I’m a full-time farrier and have always been very active in our horse community. I would like to share how my perspective has changed over the years and how my experiences as cowboy, farrier, and trainer have influenced how I work today. I also want to talk about safe spaces, safe horses, and share some insight into the farrier industry and what is happening with farrier training and qualifications.

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Take an inside look into the latest the scientific studies at the University of Saskatchewan's veterinary college, with the Western College of Veterinary Medicine's semi-annual newsletter: Horse Health Lines.

Farrier, Farriey, Ben Yager, American Farrier’s Association, equine trimming techniques, hoof-pastern alignment, farrier apprenticeship

Is your farrier certified with the American Farrier’s Association (AFA)? Did he or she serve an extensive apprenticeship at the beginning of their career? Does your farrier pursue additional education?

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The old adage “No Hoof, No Horse” can be a painful reality for owners who struggle with chronic hoof health issues in their horse. The four hooves of a 500-kilogram horse are expected to carry large amounts of body weight. When the compression force of work such as galloping is factored in, each of those four feet may be carrying as much as 3,000 pounds of force.

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One of the most common conditions affecting soundness and performance lifespan of horses is osteoarthritis (OA), with some reports suggesting 60 percent of lameness issues in horses is attributable to OA(1). OA is known across animal and human populations to cause stiff and creaky joint movement. It can make getting up in the morning difficult or slow you down the day after a long run.

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We ask a lot of our four-legged friends as today’s horses compete throughout most of the year. Whatever the horse’s primary job — from dressage to trail riding and reining to show jumping, the feet are the most common source of lameness. With the advent of preventative drugs such as Legend®, Adequan®, and Pentosan EQ™ we can improve the longevity of our horses’ athletic use, but unfortunately injuries still occur.
