Prepare Your Horse for Winter

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horse nutrition winter, prepare horse winter, alfalfa winter, equine calories winter, dr juliet getty equine nutrition

By Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D.

Horses enjoy cold weather and the relaxation that winter brings, but it takes more than hay to keep them healthy during the colder months. Optimal nutritional planning will help them enjoy the season and emerge in good condition when spring arrives.

Hay is not enough

Hay cannot compare in nutritive value to fresh grass. Once grass is cut, dried, and stored, it begins to lose vitamins C, D and E, beta carotene (for vitamin A production), and omega-3 fatty acids. Normally, your horse produces vitamin D when he is exposed to sunlight. But spending more time indoors, combined with shorter daylight hours, can induce a vitamin D deficiency that leaves bones, joints, and muscles unprotected. Therefore, a vitamin supplement, along with ground flaxseed (to provide omega 3s), will fill in the nutritional gaps created by hay-only diets.

Consider alfalfa

Contrary to popular opinion, alfalfa it is not higher in sugar than grass hay. It is high in protein, but this is a good thing. At a moderate intake (approximately 10 to 30 percent of the total hay ration), it boosts the overall protein quality of the diet, keeping your horse’s muscles, joints, feet, skin, hair, and bones fed, and protecting his blood and immune function. Alfalfa also serves as a stomach buffer against developing an ulcer, a common occurrence when a horse is stalled during the winter after eing used to full-time turnout.

Offer hay free-choice

horse nutrition winter, prepare horse winter, alfalfa winter, equine calories winter, dr juliet getty equine nutritionJuliet M. Getty, free forage feeding, horse hay, alfalfa, horse cold weather, horse winter, horse calories

Cold weather increases the metabolic rate, causing horses to burn more calories to maintain a normal internal body temperature and a consistent weight. Photo: MotoWebMistress/Flickr.

Cold weather increases the metabolic rate, which means that horses need to burn more calories to maintain a normal internal body temperature and a consistent weight. When you provide hay free-choice, you will notice that your horse naturally consumes more to help stay warm and account for his higher energy need. Free-choice is always best (regardless of the season or condition of your horse) because it allows your horse to self-regulate his intake and eat only what his body needs. Consider testing your hay; choose hay with low sugar and starch levels for the insulin resistant, laminitic, or overweight horse.

For more calories, add concentrates

For many horses, hay will not provide enough calories to maintain normal body condition. A high fat commercial feed is fine for healthy horses. For the easy keeper or insulin-resistant horse, avoid sweet feeds and those that contain oats or corn. Beet pulp, alfalfa pellets, or low starch commercial feeds are excellent alternatives. Fatty feeds such as rice bran, ground flaxseed, or chia seeds offer the most concentrated source of calories. Avoid corn or soybean oils, since they promote inflammation due to their high omega-6 fatty acid content.

Older horses need special attention

Your older horse may need a joint supplement along with vitamin C to help produce collagen (the protein found in bones and joints), since less vitamin C is produced by the body as horses age.

For the aged hard keeper (or any hard keeper, for that matter), be sure there is no competition from more aggressive horses for hay. Feed a senior feed, along with added ground flaxseed. And be sure to check your horse’s teeth. Poor dental health is the number one reason for weight loss in older horses.

Other tips

Use a prebiotic (fermentation product, not live microbes) or a potent probiotic (one that contains billions – at least 109 billion colony forming units, or CFUs) to keep the hindgut microbial population healthy.

horse nutrition winter, prepare horse winter, alfalfa winter, equine calories winter, dr juliet getty equine nutritionJuliet M. Getty, free forage feeding, horse hay, alfalfa, horse cold weather, horse winter, horse calories

Feeding free-choice allows your horse to self-regulate his intake and eat only what his body needs. When hay is fed free-choice in colder weather, the horse naturally consumes more to help stay warm and account for his higher energy need. Photo: Perry McKenna/Flickr.

When feeding bran mashes, or any added feed, feed it every day. Consistency will prevent colic. Keep in mind, however, that bran (rice or wheat are most common) is very high in phosphorus in relation to calcium. Therefore, use a commercial product with added calcium or feed alfalfa to counteract the elevated phosphorus content.

Provide fresh, temperate water. Never rely on snow to meet your horse’s water needs. Water should be kept at a palatable temperature to encourage drinking and prevent dehydration.

Remember to provide salt. Salt blocks, free choice granulated salt, or adding two tablespoons of table salt to your horse’s meals per day (divided between meals) will keep his body in proper water balance.

Dr. Juliet Getty is an internationally respected equine nutritionist available for private consultations and speaking engagements. At, sign up for her informative—and free—monthly newsletter, Forage for Thought, read articles, join her nutrition forum, enroll in upcoming teleseminars and purchase previously recorded events. Contact Dr. Getty directly at

Photo: Shutterstock/Sari Oneal