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Horse injection, equine injection, Intramuscular injections horses, IM horses, Subcutaneous injections horses, Intravenous injections horses, injection sites horses, sterile syringes and needles horses, administering horse medication

If your vet told you it was necessary for you to give your horse an injection, would you know how? Most horse owners will need to give their horse medication via a needle sooner or later, so learning how to properly and safely administer a basic injection is a good investment in your horse’s health care.

equine first aid, horse choking, horse wound, equi-health, horse first aid

What do you do when you are faced with a health emergency with your horse? Would you be prepared? Many owners don’t feel they are equipped physically – and emotionally – to deal with a first aid emergency situation involving their horse, be it wire cuts, trailering injuries, stings, burns, puncture wounds, digestive distress, or something less dramatic but potentially just as serious.

Steeplechaser senior Senator, Hunt Cup, Vicki Crawford, Penn Vet New Bolton Center, tomography system, equine science breakthrough

April 29, 2017, was a clear, sunny day in Worthington Valley, Maryland, United States. Crowds were gathering as restless Thoroughbreds full of anticipation were being saddled and warmed up for the 121st running of the Maryland Hunt Cup, a steeplechase over solid fences. On the board, 13 horses were listed as entered, but after three scratches, 10 horses lined up.

A team of researchers at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) is investigating the potential use of stem cells - an exciting new area of veterinary medicine - on wound healing in horses. “Stem cells in the purest definition are cells that are able to regenerate themselves and differentiate into all cell types,” says Dr. Suzanne Mund, a veterinarian who is a graduate student in the WCVM’s Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences.

Equine Lameness, western college of veterinary medicine, wcvm, horse lameness, game ready, equine ultrasound, equine heel pain

Accurate diagnosis is critical - A lame horse often means a sudden change in plans, and a lameness diagnosis during the summer is an especially disappointing way to end the show season for a horse and its rider. In addition to conventional lameness therapies, newer treatments such as shock wave therapy, cold compression therapy, and regenerative therapies that use the body’s natural ability to heal may help to return horses to the show ring more quickly.

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The Dangers of Medicating Your Horse - In the management of horse health, injuries and disease, conscientious horse owners would never put their horse at risk; however, improper use of some commonly administered equine drugs can impact the health and safety of our horses more than we realize. Seldom does a month go by when media attention doesn’t focus on a positive drug test in the horseracing world. The news leaves many in the horse industry shaking their heads and wondering how trainers or owners could do such a thing to their animals.

bandaging the hock, equine first aid, sounded horse, equine injury, horse wound, horse shipping bandages, equi-health canada

Just as every horse owner should possess, at the very minimum, a basic knowledge of areas of horse care such as nutrition, common illnesses, and hoof care, so too should they have at least a rudimentary understanding of the proper techniques for bandaging a horse’s legs. There are a number of situations in which leg bandages may be necessary or advisable.

Northstar, Burned Horse, Horse skin graft, samuel hurcombe, ohio state university, galbreath Equine Center, horse rescue, horse burns

It was late August 2012. In Crawford County, Pennsylvania, Jessie Woodworth was eager to get home from work. She and her daughter, Loretta, had planned an evening ride. At home her husband, Bob, had checked the horses in their sixty acre pasture. Little Bit, their big Foundation Quarter Horse, was near the gate. But he could see no sign of their six-year-old Paint, Northstar. Assuming their daughter had already taken him out, he wasn’t too worried.

University of Guelph, Hot Horse, Hot Equine, Horse Hydratiion, Horse in Heat, Equine in Heat, Evaporative Cooling, Convection, Ambient Temperature Humidity, HEAT STRESS Effect on Horses, Training Horses in the heat

As we move through the height of our summer competition season, it is not uncommon to have multiple days of severe heat and humidity - the days when you sweat while standing still.
