Frosting by ReitenRight

Frosting by ReitenRight, arena footing additives, horse footing additive

Frosting by ReitenRight, arena footing additives, horse footing additive

Over the last decade the equestrian world has seen an influx of arena footing additives created to enhance the riding experience. With a selection of additives on the market, selecting one for your arena can be a daunting task. 

Now ReitenRight, a company based in Delta, BC, has introduced the premium footing additive, Frosting, built with performance in mind. The additive is made from the same materials found in natural rubber athletic mats due to their high performance, durability, and health specifications. Frosting provides superior cushioning, energy return, and stability which promotes an overall sound ride. All materials in Frosting have been hand selected to ensure a consistent blend of premium natural/synthetic foam and textile fibers. These materials are all non-toxic, anti-microbial, and built to last.

Frosting by ReitenRight, arena footing additives, horse footing additive

Because the product contains open-cell foams, it is able to retain moisture while still letting water flow through, thus reducing dust and in some cases reducing watering needs by half. Frosting has been researched and tested over the last three years to impressive results, raising the bar for equestrian footing additives. 

For more information and client testimonials please visit:

Frosting by ReitenRight