The Power of Print: Words You Can Trust

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By Tania Millen, BSc, MJ

In 2023, 29 percent of surveyed Americans said they got their news from Facebook; 24 percent got their news from YouTube. However, social media platforms are rife with fake news. Consumers know that’s the case but it’s often difficult to discern misinformation from truthful content. So what to do? 

Enter books and magazines. Although they’re produced on longer timelines and therefore don’t provide up-to-the-minute news, hard copy print has significant advantages over fleeting social media posts in the “truth” department. Generally, by the time a magazine or book goes to print, the ideas presented have been proven and the text has been reviewed by individuals who are less invested in the content than the writer. 

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“Printed magazines have a heritage of trust and credibility because their writers conduct research and their editors fact-check,” says Kathy Smith, publisher of Canadian Horse Journal magazine.

That means they’re significantly more accurate than social media posts.

“Once print media has been published, it can’t (easily) be changed,” writes Tyrone O’Neill, Business Manager for Spotpress Pty Ltd. “This results in a greater sense of responsibility for writers, editors, and publishers to check facts and make sure the information is valid and worthwhile before printing.”

In a release by Magazines Canada, AnneMarie MacKinnon writes that publishers and editors have a responsibility to ensure the integrity of the public record. She adds that accuracy and fairness in journalism contributes to a well-informed society that is equipped with tools to think critically about the world and the media they consume.

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That’s good news for horse industry participants seeking help with their horses, training, coaching, equine management, or businesses. It means that choosing to consult magazines and books will likely provide more tried-and-true solutions to questions and challenges. Plus, those hard copy resources are easy to keep around — stacked in bookshelves, on side tables, in bathrooms and tack rooms. They’re a longer-term investment that readers can return to again and again, in an age when fly-by-night knowledge is rampant. They’re also an easy gift in this time of giving, with titles across every aspect and sector of the horse industry.

Sharing fact-based information throughout the horse industry combats fake news, supports good horse welfare, and helps evolve the industry alongside important scientific research discoveries that continue to change how we interact with horses for the better. Print may be “old school” to some, but it has significant advantages and is an integral part of every horse person’s learning arsenal.

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Photo: Shutterstock/PH888