BioRider Fitness

BioRider Fitness believes that horseback riders are athletes, and should train like athletes. Regardless of whether the objective is jumping fences or mastering a dressage test, riders who incorporate cross-training working into their lifestyle achieve more success in the saddle.

With both her United States Dressage Federation (USDF) and Dressage Canada Gold Medal Rider Awards, Canadian Courtenay Fraser came to BioRider an experienced and successful rider and trainer. But for an athlete, there is always room for improvement. Fraser admitted before she started the BioRider program that she did not expect to see significant changes in her riding, yet only three months into the program she said, “I have noticed a marked difference in my riding and I feel as though the exercises have helped me with my coordination and ability to separate and develop certain muscle groups.”

More specifically, Fraser has been able to see improvements in feeling secure in the saddle, balance, and the ability to have a better connection with her lower leg, an especially important component of dressage. With the help of the BioRider Fitness program, coupled with her enthusiasm and discipline, Fraser continues to progress toward the goal of peak performance.

The BioRider at Home Fitness DVD and Training Log package allows you to understand the equestrian fitness exercises demonstrated by Bridget Braden-Olson. Your personal workout progress is tracked using the Training Log. Braden-Olson, who trains with Conrad Schumacher and Steffen Peters, believes an equestrian strength training program that resolves imbalances in the rider’s body assists in achieving peak performance. That’s why she has spent the past seven years working with Steffen Peters and other professionals to create the BioRider Fitness Program. 

This video is for riders who want to take the time to develop muscular symmetry for self-carriage; it is not a follow-along workout. The exercises increase muscular sensitivity for riding, and favorite exercises on the DVD are broken down and demonstrated for riders. The tools from this video are designed to strengthen the rider’s muscular foundation, improve balance and core stability, and teach the body how to move more efficiently.

All information in this feature was provided by the participating business. The product mentioned have not been tested or endorsed by this publication. Please contact the business indicated in this feature for more information.

BioRider Fitness

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