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Saddles come in all shapes, sizes, and functions and are often designed for specific disciplines. For many riders, it can be challenging finding the saddle that is both comfortable and secure for both themselves and the horse, and also meets their specific riding needs.

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Don’t Get Caught With Your Splint Boots On! What riding equipment is allowed, and what's not, across the riding disciplines? Now, with a wealth of evidence available to us, we can make our artificial aid choices by analysis, not by accident.

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How to check your noseband for tightness. Technology now allows researchers to peek inside the equine mouth, comparing the effect of restrictive nosebands on bit action and swallowing. Overly tight nosebands, with the leverage they afford, can create measurable damage.

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When we think about children and riding, we usually picture little girls and their ponies. Popular equestrian magazines with the target market of younger riders are usually focused on girls – it’s really rare to see photos in these magazines featuring boys.

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In the summer of 1381, Anne of Bohemia, only 15 years old, left her home at Hradschin Palace in Prague in the Kingdom of Bohemia (modern day Czech Republic). Ahead of her lay a 1,100-kilometre trip on horseback across Europe to Calais, France, where she and her entourage would take a boat across the English Channel to England, to her arranged marriage to Richard II, the King of England, also 15 years old, whom she had never met.

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There is nothing quite like heading out for a hack on an invigoratingly clear winter’s day with a horse eager to power through the snow. Riding through the winter is not only fun – it benefits your equine partner by keeping him physically and mentally fit year-round.

Summerside Tack & Equestrian Wear, Rambo Micklem Bridle, equestrian tack shop

At Summerside Tack & Equestrian Wear in Comox, BC, their passion is providing customers with quality tack and products designed for the horse first. They are riders, horse owners, and tack nerds themselves, so they understand the needs of horses and riders, and have the expertise to answer questions and help their patrons find the right products.

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If you use a flash or drop noseband, you may be surprised at the results of a recent preliminary equine study. Jayne Peters from Bishop Burton College, UK and her research team investigated three different noseband designs and their effect on rein tension and the force being exerted on the frontal nasal plane of horses whilst being ridden. These findings were presented at the 15th annual International Society for Equitation Science (ISES) conference, August 19, 2019, at the University of Guelph in Ontario.

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Walking into a tack shop and looking at a wall covered with bits can send a neophyte bit buyer into a cold sweat. We can simplify types of bits by putting them into two categories: snaffle bits and curb bits.

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Q: I ride a Thoroughbred with a moderately roached (convex or round) back. How should I determine if my saddle fits correctly? A: The nine main points of saddle fit are absolutely common to all saddles and all horses – if you want to determine whether and how well your saddle fits, these points should be considered, and each of these points has video instruction on our website at
