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hoof trimming, trimming a horse, hans wiza, horse hoof care, horse cannon bone, horse frog, overgrown horse shoe

“How do I know when my horse’s feet need to be trimmed?” This question has been posed to everyone who trims the feet of horses. As a service provider, I can attest that there are a number of answers to that question – and all of them are correct.

Feeding for Happy Horse Feet

By Lynn Stewart - Many factors can affect hoof quality, including environment, genetics, farrier care, and nutrition. Fortunately, a horse’s nutrition can be easily managed and can have profound effects on hoof strength and structure. The hoof condition of all horses, from young foals to seniors, can be significantly improved simply by ensuring they receive a well-balanced, scientifically sound diet.

Electric hoof knife

The Electric Hoof Knife (EHK) is a revolutionary hoof trimming tool designed for use by horse owners who like to trim their own horse’s feet, as well as for veterinarians and farriers.

White Line Disease

By Kentucky Equine Research - The white line is the narrow, light-coloured band visible on the underside of a freshly trimmed hoof at the junction of the hoof wall and the sole. White line disease, an infection that causes separation of the wall, may be seen first at the white line but actually affects the zone of contact between the hard outer hoof wall and the middle layer of hoof tissue. It occurs most commonly in front feet but can occur in any foot.
