Atlantic Canada Equine Symposium, October 5, 2024 

By Equestrian Nova Scotia 

We all want our horses to be happy and healthy. Where better to hear how to manage your horse’s health care than from a team of veterinarians and equine educators?

The first Atlantic Canada Equine Symposium is on October 5, 2024, at the Agricultural Campus in Truro, Nova Scotia. There will be veterinarian presenters from the Atlantic Veterinary College, private practice, and dedicated equestrian educators sharing their considerable knowledge with participants. Our presenting sponsor is Acera Insurance with technical support from Equestrian Nova Scotia and Equine Guelph

We believe prevention is kinder than treatment, and we believe your horse thinks so too — after all, prevention supports avoiding welfare issues. 

atlantic canada equine symposium, equestrian nova scotia symposium

Our keynote speaker, Dr. Trevor Lawson, President of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, has explained that there is a critical shortage of veterinarians across Canada, especially those dealing primarily with equines. There is a need for equine owners to increase their knowledge of horse health and welfare to reduce the burden on veterinary services and protect their horses. The team has identified specific educational topics that will enhance participants’ general knowledge and ultimately benefit all equines in their care with better health and welfare, with emphasis on prevention. 

Eight out of ten colic episodes are related to management! A major goal for horse owners now is to prevent common management practices that often lead to preventable issues.  

Topics covered will include: 

  • Gut Health and Colic Prevention 
  • Respiratory Health 
  • Lameness Recognition 
  • Common Issues 
  • Horse Welfare (panel) 

This is an excellent opportunity for a horse owner to keep up with best practices in equine care and prevention of management-related welfare issues, thus ensuring a healthier, happier horse and fewer veterinarian visits. It is, quite simply, good horse sense!  

Our horses depend on us for prevention. Our lives are busy but this one-day session with presentations by equine educators and vets is a smart investment. These folks are on the leading edge of horse health care and preventive care management.  

Who are the presenters?   

  • Keynote speaker is Dr. Trevor Lawson, from Fundy Veterinarians. Dr. Lawson is the President of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) and studied at Nova Scotia Agricultural College, University of Manitoba, and Atlantic Veterinary College. Dr. Lawson is a committed volunteer and always developing good client relationships and improving animal welfare.
  • Gayle Ecker, M.Sc. Cert.KMb is the Director of Equine Guelph. Welfare educator/trainer; Associate Faculty of Campbell Centre for Study of Animal Welfare. 
  • Dr. Sarah Tiller is a retired small animal veterinarian and passionate about horse welfare. She is also a horse owner.
  • Dr. Kathleen MacMillan, MSc, DVM (UPEI), DABVP (Equine) is an Associate Professor at Veterinary Teaching Hospital (AVC).
  • Katy Proudfoot, BSc MSc PhD, Director, SJ Dunn Animal Welfare Centre, Associate Professor, UPEI. Katy has spent the last 15-plus years studying and teaching animal behaviour and welfare. 
  • Dr. Chris White is with TNT Equine and enjoys equine ultrasonography and imaging, and is currently working on certification for the International Society of Equine Locomotor Pathology (ISELP). 

For more information about our presenters please visit our Facebook Page: Atlantic Canada Equine Symposium

Click here to register.

atlantic canada equine symposium, equestrian nova scotia symposium

Main Photo: Shutterstock/Rita Kochmarjova
