Declare FREEDOM from Flies!

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We all look forward to good riding weather — but not the fly season that comes with it! Have you noticed that flies prefer some horses more than others, and wondered why? 

Equiwinner™ patches can give your horse relief this fly season. 

Electrolytes conduct electricity and manage all bodily fluids, among other things. This conductivity of fluids in and around cells in the skin can affect whether or not flies are attracted to the horse’s skin. Improperly balanced fluids in skin moisture or bodily secretions, particularly the fluid exuding from the eyes, actually attract flies. Optimum electrolyte balance, achieved when electrolytes work properly as nature intended, has a signal that repels flying insects. 

 WPRA World Champion barrel racer Mary Burger has been using Equiwinner™ for seven years. At first it was to treat for bleeding and tying-up, but now she is using it on her healthy three-year-old. Find out what happened by watching this video.


“Last summer I had a horse that really attracted black flies,” says Baylee Moore of Trossachs, Saskatchewan. “I did a round of Equiwinner™ patches on him and before I even completed the 10-day cycle it was easy to tell there were significantly fewer flies attracted to him.” 

baylee moore barrel racer, equiwinner patches, electrolytes for horses, fly control horse

Baylee Moore

 It’s not about feeding more electrolytes — it’s about making them work properly. 

Equiwinner™ patches contain only natural balanced electrolytes. Nothing goes into the horse’s body — it simply recognizes the electrolytes in the patches and responds to them with no side effects. And Equiwinner™ electrolyte balancing patches will never test positive in any competition, race, event, or sport. 

Since electrolytes are involved in every physiological process in the body, when they work properly many conditions improve and/or fully resolve, including: 

  • Exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage
  • Tying-up
  • Non-sweating
  • Headshaking
  • Hydration
  • Skin and coat
  • Freedom from flies
  • Performance

If you have a fly magnet in the barn or a horse that always wants to be rescued from flies in the paddock, try Equiwinner™ now and enjoy a healthier and happier summer with your horse. Or, if your competition horse no longer pays attention to you when trying to get rid of troublesome and annoying flies, Equiwinner™ can give him freedom from flies and restore his focus to perform. 

Learn More Here

To learn more about electrolytes and their effect on horse health and performance, visit the Signal Health website, com or call toll-free: 1-877-378-4946. 

equiwinner patches, electrolytes for horses, fly control horse

Main Photo: Shutterstock/Fluieras Ana-Cristina 
